A selection of projects that I'm not too ashamed of

Orbital 2018. Pathfinder plans your holidays for you. Input all the locations you want to visit and pathfinder gives you the optimal travelling route.
Pet Lovers

CS2102 Database Systems. Pet Lovers is a pet-caring service that connects pet owners and caretakers. Bid for caretakers of your choice and leave a review.OR Join us at PetLovers as part-time or full-time caretaker today.
Internet of Trays Dashboard

CS462 Internet of Things (During My Exchange at SMU). Collaboration with NEA. Proof of Concept for tracking tray return rates at hawker centres.
Static Program Analyzer

CS3203 Software Engineering Project. A Static Program Analyzer for SIMPLE source programs and PQL queries.
AXS Revamp

CS4249 Phenomena and Theories of Human Computer Interaction. Revamping the AXS website and putting different layouts to the test.

CS2103T Software Engineering. A Chatbot for everyday to-do items.

CS3240 Interaction Design. UI-UX model for an all-in-one platform designed for home-based businesses.

CS3240 Interaction Design. UI-UX model for an application designed for people with an impaired sense of smell..

CS2103T Software Engineering. An expiry-date tracker. Set reminders to update you when an item expires.

2019 Complete Web Development Bootcamp. A memory game. Level-up with new patterns introduced each round.
To-Do List

2019 Complete Web Development Bootcamp. A To-Do List Tracker Integrated with MongoDB.

Javascript Bootcamp. Building a code pen.
Reaction Tester

Javascript Bootcamp. How fast is your reaction?